Mid Week Post - Wiki Rima (5)

Ahiahi Pai Kākano Whitu Whānau, 
(Good Afternoon, Kākano Seven Family)

We are almost at the end of Week Five. Here are a few reminders for the next few days and the rest of the term. 

This week we have been doing lots of new learning about listening to words, onset and rime, numbers to 20 and much much more. Something cool that we have been doing is Science based play provocations focusing on the Living World. Here are some Kākano 7 student examples of their learning. 

Swimming Notices and Information:

You may have noticed that this week was an odd week number, week 5. We swim every odd week at school from Monday - Friday. This week we are still swimming until Friday. 

We only swim in Term One and Term Four, so we would like to make the most out of the time we do have with the pool by getting children in everyday in our swimming week. Please send togs to school every day of our swimming weeks!

We are fortunate enough that our school pool is heated and that we only swim in the terms where it is warmer outside. Our school works hard to keep the pool warm and clean for our tamariki to swim in every day. We understand that our tamariki can get cold outside so if the weather is not looking too good or it is too cold outside we will make the call to not have swimming on that day. 

In Aotearoa, New Zealand we are surrounded by water from rivers to lakes to oceans. Students need to know basic swimming safety to ensure that they can be safe in the water. That is why we think it is so important for students to be in the pool every swimming day. 

The next swimming week will be in:
Week Seven - Monday - Friday
Week Nine - Monday - Friday
Week Eleven - Monday - Friday

Library Books / Book Bags / Homework 

Every Friday we got to the library to return our two books and get two new ones. Please make sure they are packing these back into their orange library bags with books in them for Friday otherwise new book cannot be issued. 

You may notice that book bags are being sent home with your children. Please make sure they are returned each day to ensure we can add to them and go over homework learning in class too! Please go over the last glued-in sheet with them as their homework each week!

Brain Break Reminders and Lunch Options

At 9:50am we have a brain break, in this time the children either eat a Fruit or Vegetable. 

Please do not send children to school with soft drinks or sugary drinks. We encourage you to pack fruit, cut vegetables, yogurt, and sandwiches. 

Pita Pit is available from Tuesday - Thursday - Sign up and register your child to St Marys School Menu - Kākano 7 - Lunchonline - PitaPit Order

Sausage Sizzle and Juicie Friday - $1.50 each, order in class. 

House Group Reminders

On Friday, Mackillop students will be able to dress up in Blue in support of their house for Golden Time. At the end of the day, the Mackillop students will be having a house group Golden Time. Please look below to see what house your child is in! Every week or so a different house group will be selected to have a house golden time, so keep an eye on this blog post for updates!

What is coming up? 

We are still in COVID-19 Level Two restrictions. Please encourage your child to walk to class by themselves! We love seeing our students become more independent and take control of themselves. 

Thursday - Normal School Day (Can order PitaPit)

Friday - House Golden Time (Mackillop) / Sausage Sizzle and Juicie Friday / Assembly / Library Day

If you child is unwell or feeling sick, please keep them at home and contact either me or school to let us know that your child will be away. 

Kind Regards, 
Shayla Dixon


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